PhpSwitcher with php4

  • Hi everyone,

    I tried to compile php4.4 to work with php switcher and i had a problem, everything was messed up. Ithink the main problem is php.ini from php4.4.
    Does anyone installed or have tried php4.4 on phpswitcher?

    Thanks in advance!

  • php4.4, really? o.o I don't think that someone tried to install php4.4^^ What's exactly your problem? Any errors...?

    PS: You know, that you don't get security fixed for php 4.4 anymore since 08.08.08?

  • Furthermore: PHP compilation/configuration is out of the plugin scope. This is a pure admin task ;)


  • Thanks for the reply.

    I have a customer that asked me, so i replied his needs.
    i advised him to review his source code.

    Anyway, thanks! :)