Control panel under ssl and port 8443

  • I've opened several threads about changing the default port to 8443 and to force the use of ssl, because this is very important on my setup, see here for the whole explanation.

    At the moment not everyone needs this or agrees on my view, so I just created a wiki entry with the step by step to accomplish this.

    You can read it in the wiki

    For any opinions/problems just answer this thread.

    Edited once, last by aseques ().

  • Just updated the manual with the dialogs and configurations with the current master (explaining the usage with --reconfigure)

  • Another update, I just removed the license headers (they are removed in the original source) and updated the apache templates for current trunk.

  • Is it not better to have a default server page and let user access to the control panel only go over the url PANELSUB.hostname? I think this should be enought to hide the panel :)
    But thanks for your tut, I will read it later and maybe include your code (port changing) into my solution :))

    Edited once, last by mafioso ().

  • Is it not better to have a default server page and let user access to the control panel only go over the url PANELSUB.hostname? I think this should be enought to hide the panel :)
    But thanks for your tut, I will read it later and maybe include your code (port changing) into my solution :))

    Our usage patterns are not matching, I am already using a subdomain for each imscp sever, such as:

    • ....

    So in my case I want that every person writing enter directly to the control panel, to keep things simple.

    Edited once, last by mafioso ().