Can't deactivate PhpSwitcher for imscp update from 1.1.12 to 1.2.0

  • Hi,

    Currently Im on imscp 1.1.12 and wanted to upgrade to 1.2.0. When I deactivate the Phpswitcher it hangs ob deactivating.

    So now, what can I do?

  • Quote

    Version 0.0.10
    Version compatible with i-MSCP >= 1.1.19 (Plugin API 0.2.14)

    See also:

    So deactivate the plugin manually (from the database) or try at first to upgrade imscp to 1.1.21.

  • Wuahhhhh, some maths..
    3 >= 2 => TRUE
    2 >= 2 => TRUE
    1.9 >= 2 => FALSE
    2.1 >= 2 => TRUE

    Now here :D
    1.1.12 >= 1.1.19 => FALSE
    1.1.19 >= 1.1.19 => TRUE
    1.1.21 >= 1.1.19 => TRUE
    1.2.0 >= 1.1.19 => TRUE (in theory, not all plugins are compatible with the new major version^^)

    So you can upgrade to the 1.1.19, 1.1.20 & 1.1.21, deactivate the plugin and than upgrade to the 1.2.0 as you planned before.

    How you can disable the plugin in the database is very easy.

    • Login as root/imscp into the db
    • Switch to the imscp db
    • Switch to the plugins table (or something like that)
    • Change the column plugin_status (or something like that) to disabled
  • Thanks for the Math Lessions ^^

    Can I directly update from 1.1.12 to 1.2.0 ?

    So I disable the plugin from the db and update directly to 1.2.0 and install the phpswitcher again?

    btw I dont have a imscp db. I have a ispcp db. I think thats so because I upgraded before from ispcp?

  • Yes you can. Than disable the plugin from the ispcp db :)