DOS and DDoS-protection

  • Dear reader in this forum,

    I was wondering if you can give me an advice which dos and ddos protection produkt I can use to protect my server infrastucture.

    I found for example the check point safe@office 1000n but I am not sure whether this will protect layer 3 attacks.

    Best regards,


  • But the check point is a hardware solution.

  • Is there any other hardware product to protect from ddos and dos available? Thanks.

  • I host a part of my server at soyoustart.
    They provide Anti-DDos as free included service -->
    So it depends somtimes on your server enviroment.

    I´m sure that many Firewalls had a DDos Protection like Sophos UTM or a Fortinet Fortigate. But i´m not sure if the could handle a >5Gbit Traffic DDos for example.
    May pfSense or ipFire can do it also for you ?