Configure Postfix to use existing company smarthost (not act as one)

  • I presume that I'm being a bit too literal in reading something, but here's my question anyway.

    I am setting up an i-MSCP configured system for host client webspaces. We already have existing email infrastructure and will continue using it. As the master admin (root) I'd like to be able to get my own system messages (once forwarding is set via the aliases file) and my customers will want their websites to send email via our existing smarthost (which does virus checking, logging, etc).

    What do I need to get i-MSCP to not remove / overwrite a plain "relayhost = smarthost....." line in the postfix file? This is the in-house server so there's no authentication going on.

  • Hello ;

    You can use a listener file. For instance:…rs.d/

    Only compatible with i-MSCP 1.2.0.

    You must put that file in the /etc/imscp/listeners.d directory. You must also edit the configuration parameters inside this file. To resume:

    Once done, you can rerun i-MSCP installer and the relayhost parameter will be automatically re-added ;)


  • Thank you very much ! I was pulling my hair out till I found this code ! Pfew. :thumbsup: