Upgrade 1.1.21 to 1.2.0: nginx panel missing mcrypt

  • Hi Nuxwin,

    i have exact the same problem at this time now. Exact situation (dotdeb.org) and the exit code 2...
    ...have you fixed it, or should i don something to make a workarround for me?


  • I use you code:

    1. # Make sure that PHP modules are enabled
    2. if(-x '/usr/sbin/php5enmod') {
    3. my($stdout, $stderr);
    4. my $rs = execute('php5enmod gd imap intl json mcrypt mysql mysqli mysqlnd pdo pdo_mysql', \$stdout, \$stderr);
    5. debug($stdout) if $stdout;
    6. unless($rs ~~ [0, 2]) {
    7. error($stderr) if $stderr;
    8. return $rs;
    9. }
    10. }

    and it works... i think the problem is not generally solved, but i understand that you can't support every repository/backports/etc.
    i think , if i switch to jessie i should use the original debian stable sources, when they are stable.

    Best Regards,

  • @Sierra

    It's solved in the 1.2.x branch. Will be part of next release ( 1.2.1 ) ;)
