Alternate URL

  • Hi,

    I am not sure if this is a known issue, I couldn't find anything about it anywhere. I was having problems with the alternate URL not working. I have even set up an A record to point to my IP. I was just wondering if I had to do anything else to get it to work or if it is a coming feature.

    Thank you :D

  • never had issues with it.
    so with no more infos it´s hard to help.

    1) did you set a wildcard record for your server-domain?
    2) how is your hosts file setup?

    Alright that is enough info for means it is supposed to work and there is a problem with my DNS settings :)

    I use a few dns providers and the one that my server is on doesn't allow wildcard for free I believe. I did have the direct A record set up which I thought would work. I will test with the wildcard on diff dns first.

    Thanks for the reply!