Hi i am trying to transfer a domain to my dns server (i-mscp server) ware a customer domain is setup.
wen i try to transfer customerdomain.dk to ns1.mydomain.dk i get this error:
Not approwed name servers
way is it showing customer domain and not my nameserver (ns1.mynameserver.dk ns2.mynameserver.dk)?
it seams to me that customer domains are set up using ns1.customerdomain.dk and ns2.customerdomain.dk
how can i change that?
also ware is the default themplate files for customer creation located? (files like default dns records, default mail, default virtual domain setting and so on)
Ubuntu 12.04
i-MSCP Git 1.1.x
Build: 20140915
Codename: Eagle
EDIT: maby i shuld mention that name servers need to be approved in denmark befor you can transfer a domain to them. I am not use to working with dns so i dont know if that is important! (and i am approved but customer domains ns cant not be approved!)