Problems upgrading from 1.1.11 to 1.1.14

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm having some troubles since I tried to upgrade from 11 to 14. Actually, two plugins, RoundcubePlugins and OpenDKIM seem to make my life harder. And of course, I didn't make a snapshot before I started upgrading, so even if I'd go back to 11, I'd still have a lot of work to do since the last snapshot was taken in June.
    Actually, my system is moreless stuck. Apache doesn't start because of the now missing SSL Certificates (would be rather easy to fix though) and BIND Configuration was done via I-MSCP aswell. So I'd like to repair the whole stuff.
    Is there any way to deactivate the mentioned plugins manually without a connectivity to the I-MSCP interface?

    I also tried to get on the Interface, but I only got the following message:
    "An error occurred. Please contact your administrator." Damn, that's me.

    Thanks in advance for your help

  • Okay, I finally found a solution for my problem:

    Somewhere here on this forum I found the information, that IMSCP sets different flags for plugins, depending whether it has been disabled/enabled/installed/work in progress (tochange). So I logged in to my MYSQL Database via SSH, looked for a plugins section, found it in database imscp, table plugin and set the disabled flag for the two mentioned plugins.
    I'm gonna have to somehow reinstall at least the DKIM package, probably it's gonna be the easiest to simply the Database entry and reinstall it again?

  • There were lots of threads about that... Please connect to the database, switch to the imscp db and change the column status in the plugins table to disabled.
    Atm I'm on mobile, may later I can post the SQL query...