ispcp Migration - databaseIntegrityTests fails

  • Hey there,
    after starting the migration script I'm getting following errors:

    Because I don't know the root password anymore, I changed and hardcoded it in the migration script. Atm 34 databases exists, so I don't think, that's because of the password.

    I think this check is important, to test if the decrypted password is correct, am I right?


    ISPCP: 1.0.7 (Debian Lenny)
    i-MSCP: 1.1.14 (Debian Wheezy)
    fpm, dovecot

  • Hello ;

    Yes, it is ;) Here the errors means that the passwords of the related sql users are wrongs.


  • Update: I decrypted the root pwd and changed it to the old one, but same error.

    Ok thank you, so may I'll skip this check and change later the db passwords :)

  • Removed the orphaned sql-users and the migration works now :)