Spamassassin HAM / SPAM marking works properly?

  • Hi!

    I installed the RoundCube plugin as well as the Spamassassin plugin on i-mscp 1.1.14. Then i did the following:
    - login to roundcube
    - mark a random email from INBOX as Junk/spam
    - then you notice that a new file in plugins/SpamAssassin/sa-learn/ appears named <login>__spam__<something>
    - then you go to the Junk folder and mark the very same email as ham
    - then you notice that another new file in plugins/SpamAssassin/sa-learn/ name like <login>__ham__<something>

    Now consider you want to train sa-larn with plugins/SpamAssassin/sa-learn/*__spam__* and *__ham__* then you'll mark the same email as ham and spam, isn't that wrong?

    If i'm not wrong, i'd suggest to remove (in the described case) the __spam__ file from the sa-learn folder.