MySQL Username not displayed correctly

  • Hi there,

    a customers wrote me an e-Mail with a mysql connect error. He added a new MySQL User in i-MSCP and is unable to connect/login into the new DB.
    As username in i-MSCP it displays "74_gallery2@localhost". Here is a Screenshot:

    In PHPMyAdmin only the user "74_gallery2" exist and not "74_gallery2@localhost" (without @localhost)
    Of course there is also a "localhost" entry - but with the username "74_gallery2".

    I use i-MSCP Version 1.1.11 Build: 20140608. (Yep i need to update...)
    Maybe it is already fixed in the new version ? If not - i will create a Ticket.

    I checked the Demo to rebuild this situation - but it is denied to create MySQL-DB´s. And the Version was older...

    Thanks & Greez

  • hello ;

    It's only a cosmetic issue. Not a bug. You should know that the user here is only 74_gallery2


  • I know that the user is only "74_gallery2". But that is not the problem!
    The problem is that none of the customer know it. They only copy what is displayed in the field "username" and that is the wrong username in that case.

    Bug or cosmetic issuce, however :cool:
    Should i open a ticket ?

  • You can if you want ;)

    BTW: In PhpMyAdmin, it's also shown as:

    User: user01@localhost

    But ok, I agreed that it's can be confusing for the customers .


    • pmauser.png

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  • @BeNe

    It's ok like this for you?


    • ch01.png

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    • ch02.png

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  • @BeNe

    I'll add a tooltip for the host because it's not the database host. It's the host from which the SQL user is allowed to connect to SQL server.


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