Own php.ini settings in htdocs possible?

  • Hi,

    the admin (or reseller) has a few possibilities to change php settings in general in i-mscp (post_max_size, upload_max_filezize, max_execution_time, max_input_time, memory_limit,...).

    But is it possible for a client to change specific php settings? I know that from other hosters where a client can place a php.ini file in the htdocs folders but that's not possible with i-mscp, is it?

    So a small example, a client want to change the display_errors value from off to on.
    Does a client have a chance to do that?
    Or is it only possible to do with the server admin? He has to do make such changes in /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/domain.conf and restart php5-fpm (assuming php5-fpm is used)?

  • Hello ;

    This feature is possible but not recommended... Anyway, if you give the correct permissions to your reseller and after to your customer, this last can access the PHP editor interface through the control panel and set the display_errors parameter to on himself. Now, you're free to tune your i-MSCP installation to allow the customer to have their own user ini file. See http://php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.per-user.php
