Info Unavailable on Quota

  • Hi,

    I'm installing my first production server with I-MSCP, congratulations for the excellent results obtained

    I have a problem on the client screen of the mailboxes, that show "Info Unavailable" in the "Quota" column

    I've installed I-MSCP using git stable on Ubuntu 14:04

    Thanks for the help

  • Hello ;

    Under Ubuntu you must ensure that the php5-imap module is loaded correctly. It's not the case by default (this is a bug from Ubuntu). If you don't understand or don't know how to process, send me your teamviewer IDS and I'll fix that for you. ;)

    Thank you for choosing i-MSCP.


  • Hi,

    thanks for your reply

    Ok, now works correctly, php5-imap was not correctly enabled

    i've added a symlink in fpm folder

    ln -sf ../../mods-available/imap.ini 20-imap.ini

    and now work correctly

    Thank you very much :)