Please, don't ruin my works...

  • To everybody here:

    When you are asking me for support, please don't ruin all my works after.

    The story

    Yesterday, I've helped an user with its SSL certificate and so on (DNS issues...). Today, he asks me again because some errors..

    Therefore, I'm connecting to teamviewer and guess what I see???: He downgraded its i-MSCP version... Indeed, I've updated its system to latest stable which fix some bugs but that moron understand nothing to i-MSCP (neither Linux) and without further thinking, has downgraded its i-MSCP version to 1.1.9...

    Well, I've just says:

    You're a moron, bye...

    I see to many people here which are using i-MSCP without any knowledge. It's time for you to learn a bit. Our team has no time to lose with noobs.

