slave dns small script

  • Copied from thread about billing solution.
    imho it's pretty good idea:

    "A.t.m. we need something like DNS-ONLY i-MSCP panel which will be synchronized with main i-MSCP server as secondary DNS server (like DNS-Manager ). Sorry for links, but you need to understand what I'm talking about. We need this becouse domain registration requires 2 DNS from different networks."

    Maybe not whole panel (what for?) but just setup script + script to keep slave domains up-to-date.
    What you guys think about it?

  • is partial implemented (at setup you are asked how dns should perform master or slave). Some task are still required to be reviewed so will be implemented soon (after first) stable release.

  • is partial implemented (at setup you are asked how dns should perform master or slave). Some task are still required to be reviewed so will be implemented soon (after first) stable release.

    At the risk of derailing this, possibly there should be a combo second mail (addl. MX store and forward to the main instance) and dns backup autoinstaller.
