i-MSCP (Beta 6) Released

  • It's with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availablity of i-MSCP that is our sixth beta release and last one before our first RC.

    This release addresses the following issues:

    * Added support for Apache2 MPM ITK
    * Added SSL support for customers
    * Added layout color switcher
    * Added layout colors (black, green, red, yellow)
    *Added admin setting to allow to show/hide main menu labels
    * Events system:
    - Allow to pass arbitrary data to the events listeners methods
    - Allow to use closures
    * Integrated Zend_Navigation component (without view helper)
    * Reseller level - Added flash message for new orders (Only for confirmed orders)
    * Reseller level - Added flash message for new domain alias orders
    * PhpMyAdmin on-click logon - Set language according user panel language
    * pTemplate: Added a set of events (see the iMSCP_pTemplate_Events class)

    * Updated PhpMyAdmin to version 3.4.9
    * Updated jQuery to version 1.7.1
    * Updated jQuery UI (core and datepicker) to version 1.8.16

    Furthermore, several bugs and security issues were fixed, and all languages files were synchronized with the last available versions on Transifex.

    To learn more about bugs and other issues fixed in this release, please consult the CHANGELOG.

    We would like to remind you that this version should not be used in a production environment, and that any bugs found should be reported on our issues tracker.

    Feel free to test this new version and get in touch with us about any improvement that you would like see integrated.

    Edited once, last by xorg ().

  • Cool!

    It's our 6th beta release...

    at least beta 5 was the fifth - then the following beta cannot be the fourth


  • mod also in wp?
    I didn't know and never used... when tried to log in or to retrieve a password it really seemed that wp doesn't know me...

    Please help me with login data (pm) - I'd like to make such corrections by myself.

    if you mean your post here - ok, I could have changed it... of course...


    Edited once, last by joximu ().

  • joximu, I`ve added you. Since you never asked an account you never received one :p. Check your mail.
    //Later: Also please update your email account in forum. I`m not able to sent you login data via email. send me that email via pm so I can create your account. Also you could contact any of us via internal area, pm, irc, IM. Using announcement thread is a bit weird from my point of view.

    Edited once, last by oldev01 ().

  • Thanx Daniel - I got it.

    I didn't want to beg for a login here - I just tried to login but noticed I cannot...
    But now - I can do corrections when I see something :-)
