Ticket #1008 (Bug - Mailgraph plugin - Can't locate RRDs.pm...) updated

  • [feedquote='Trac','http://trac.i-mscp.net/ticket/1008#comment:3']

    The problem is that the error is related to librrds-perl, not mailgraph, mailgraph just pulls librrds-perl as a dependency.
    I've tried to make the error more informative as with other plugins (such as for example RoundcubePlugins?), checking for the dependency prior doing the 'use RRDs;',but with the current structure this isn't possible.

    So far there is this code at engine/PerlLib/Modules/Plugin.pm:

    It does an eval, and in case the component can't be compiled (such as this case because it's missing dependencies) just throws a generic output.
    Having a web to specify system depends when installing a plugin would be neat, maybe the info.php information could be extended for this usage...

    What do you think?