Noch immer leichte Probleme

  • Hallo,

    Seitdem ich das System auf php-fpm umgestellt habe läuft es recht gut, habe jetzt auch die pm.children auf 20 hochgestellt.

    Trotzdem habe ich noch lagger in der Seite (siehe Screenshot) der nimmt einfach zuviel rechenleistung weg und die Seite fängt an zu laggen.

    Was kann ich hier noch machen? Weiss nicht was da los ist.


    Sollte ich die pm.children noch höher stellen oder hat das gar nichts damit zu tun?

    Edited once, last by andy-lu ().

  • Um was für ein Script handelt es sich eigentlich bei der Seite?

    Es handelt sich dabei woltlab 3.1, denke also nicht dass es durch diese Seite verursacht wird. Diese Probleme haben begonnen seitdem wir mehr Traffic auf der Seite haben.

    Jedoch habe ich auch remove_ip auf dem Server installiert

  • Hello ;

    20 children max per pool = 20 concurrent connections max.

    If you have a busy site, It's maybe not sufficient. Also, the idle timeout is set to 300. This mean that a child that do nothing is still alive for 300 secondes minimum. To resume, all this is a configuration story. This also depend of your server... You should maybe also review your apache2 configuration.

    If you need a specific setup for your Apache2/php5-fpm configuration you must ask us for online support.

    i-MSCP Support Pricing 2014

    Basic installation: €25
    Basic update: €25
    Basic migration from ispCP: €30
    Online support: €30 per hour
    Plugin: €50 (basis price)


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Yes we have big traffic at this moment, what you suggest to set as max.children?
    And maybe set the value from 300 to 150 in the pool configuration?

    Thanks in advance.

    Edited once, last by andy-lu ().

  • Yes we have big traffic at this moment, what you suggest to set as max.children?
    And maybe set the value from 300 to 150 in the pool configuration?

    Thanks in advance.


    Do you have read my previous post?


    We are not here to learn you how to configure your server for your specific need. If you need a specific setup, you must pay. This is not related to i-MSCP.

    Thank you


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Yes i have read your post but why i-MSCP is not preconfigurated to run smooth also with bigger traffic?

    Next Questions:
    How long you think you will take to configure the server that is run less problems?

    Thanks in advance.

  • i-MSCP comes with a configuration for small to medium servers. Don't forget that we cannot know how many sites the admin will run on its server... Also, some sites require specific configuration because they are too much coded or because they provide some services which are consuming too much resources (It's your case)...

    If you are an admin, you must know how to customize the configuration of your server at least. If you don't know how, you must pay.

    Online support is 30 €/per hour (1 hour minimum pre-payed).. An hour to configure your server correctly should be sufficient.

    We are providing i-MSCP for free... We are not here to administer your server.

    Thank you.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Ok Thank you, you take Paypal? Do you think the Problems will be solved in the future after that configuration?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Ok Thank you, you take Paypal? Do you think the Problems will be solved in the future after that configuration?

    Thanks in advance.

    Re ;

    Yes, paypal (…d_button_id=ZKZGRPVCFNLFE ) .

    After a configuration for your specific need all should be ok. Now, this also depend of your server and the number of site you will add in future.

    Thank you.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().