Upgrade from 1.1.0-rc47 to the last git

  • Hello.
    This night I've got a huge problem, I've tried to upgrade the I-MSCP from 1.1.0-rc47 to the latest Git release. It failed during the install/update process with a strange error:

    From this point it doesn't work, ofcourse. Any idea how can it be solved?
    The server is running Debian 7.3 (wheezy), with PHP 5.4.4-14 running from apache2-mod-fcgid.

    Thanx in advance

    Edited once, last by Raduletz ().

  • Hello ;

    This is because you have some plugins installed which are not compatible with Git Master.

    Login into MySQL and disable any plugin by setting the plugin_status field to disabled. Once it's done, re-run the installer.

    After update, you'll have to update the plugins (from last version available in incubator) before re-enabling them.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hi, Nuxwin and many many thanx. Seems to be everything OK now, the upgrade worked fine after disabling the plugins. Maybe is my fault that I've forgot to disable them before upgrade. I'll note this for the future :)
    Now, I've left the plugins disabled and I'll update them ASAP.

    Many thanx again and best regards.