Hook file allowing to load additional conf-files to i-MSCP DNS server

  • Hook file allowing to load additional conf-files to i-MSCP DNS server.

    This hook file allows to load additional conf-files to the i-MSCP DNS server. If the file does not exist, it will be created.


    Git Master

    Howto install

    Donwload the hook file into the /etc/imscp/hooks.d directory
    Rename the file from 15_bind9_preserve_custom_conf.txt to 15_bind9_preserve_custom_conf.pl
    Edit configuration variables in the hook file
    Make the hook file only readable by root user (chmod 0600)
    Run the imscp-setup script

    Regards Jörg

    NOTE: I am not sure how to correctly define the author and copyright tags (script is some kind of fork from existing hooks),

  • Thanks. I'll review it and push it on our repository. Please, give me your first name, lastname and email.
