CustomLog for Apache

  • Hi there,

    is it possible to define a customlog-format for the apache logger?? I know imscp uses an own logger-script and in the code or config i can't find a place to define it, so i hope you can help me.

    i'de like to change the default log-format of one of our servers to display the X-Forwarded-For entry instead of the host-ip. We've got a WAF infront of that server.

    Is there a possibility without opening a completly new log-file?

    Kind regards

  • Hello ;

    Look at the LogFormat directive into the /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_nameserver.conf file (Not recommended).

    Look also at the libapache2-mod-rpaf module, which is a better alternative for that purpose (Recommended).

    BTW: If you change the log format, awstats will be broken. You are warned.



    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().