i-MSCP PhpMyAdmin Addon updated to version

  • Hello ;

    The i-MSCP PhpMyAdmin addon has been updated to version


    Because this new version is only compatible with MySQL Server version 5.5.x or newer, the underlying addon installer has been also updated and a new PhpMyAdmin addon branch has been created (0.3.0). Therefore, this version is only available if you update your i-MSCP version to the last Git master and if you are using MySQL|MariaDB Server version 5.5.x or newer. The addon installer will select the PhpMyAdmin version to install, conforming to the MySQL Server version in use, either on your i-MSCP server or on the remote host if you are using an external MySQL Server.

    To update to this new version so, you must simply update your i-MSCP version to last Git master or wait for the next i-MSCP release 1.1.0, which will be released in few days.

    Note: For older i-MSCP versions, the PhpMyAdmin addon branch 0.2.0, which contain the PhpMyAdmin version compatible with MySQL Server version prior 5.5 will be still maintained until Jul 1, 2014 ( See http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/downloads.php )

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().