[HOWTO] Install roundcube instead of squirrelmail

  • There are many people using roundcube in i-mscp, it would be nice that i-mscp could use roundcube as the default webmail since it improves the user experience with the system.
    I'll keep this post updated with the issues that are at the moment.
    There is a manual with details on installing roundcube at http://wiki.i-mscp.net/doku.ph…uirrelmail_with_roundcube

    These are some current issues with roundcubemail+i-mscp

    • After roundcube will be the default webmail client, and fix all these issues

    For any correction on the wiki page, just post a reply in this thread and I'll update it, and hopelly it will be removed when there is no need for a separate install


    • #279 The installer/updater should not fail trying to backup squirrelmail if we are using roundcube

    FIXED for >

    • #387 (disable session.encrypt in master php.ini file
    • #146 (Task - Migrate to Roundcube to change the default install to roundcube)
    • #163 (Add Support for Roundcube Mail (or switch from Squirrel)

    Edited once, last by aseques ().

  • Thanks for your works. Thecry (sascha) is already working on the roundcube integration.


  • Just for the record, back on time when I migrated some users from squirrelmail to roundcube I used this with some minor modifications (the only drawback is that you cannot recreate agenda for users that have never logged in)
    Currently there seems to be a better solution by using a plugin http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Plugin_Repository

    For any help you need on testing the installer just drop me a line.


  • Updated the thread with a new issue about session.encrypt in php.ini