DNS Settings

  • Hello everyone,
    I want to use i-MSCP for one dedicated server to give out some webspace to friends.
    But I have the problem that, after the installation, I am not able to access the webinterface via admin.host1.netsky-server.biz. It's the first time that I have to do such a thing like configuring two DNS Servers handling requests for the domain / subdomain.

    I have the domain netsky-server.biz registered at cloudns.net, with two DNS zones:

    1st is host1.netsky-server.biz


    $TTL 3600
    @ IN SOA ns1.cloudns.net. support.cloudns.net. 2013103105 7200 1800 1209600 3600
    3600 IN NS ns1.admin.host1.netsky-server.biz.
    ns1.admin 3600 IN A

    2nd is netsky-server.biz is my dedicated server, where a second DNS Server is running on with one DNS zone:

    Can you please help me to fix this?

    Kind regards,