Update Git Master rc4.4 to rc4.5

  • Hi all,
    after updating from Git Master rc 4.4 to 4.5 without any errors on a Ubuntu 10.0.4 Lucid system, altering any general settings in the admin-panel is no longer possible - changes are not saved and the error "Only positive numbers are allowed." is reported, even thought I didn't enter any or changed anything.

    I'm a new user of i-MSCP, just started with Git Master rc 4.3 four days ago, updatet to 4.4 without any problems but in lack of experiance I'm not shure whether this behavior is my fault or a bug.

    I used the following script for the recent update:

    What can I do to get back the ability to change general settings?

    Thanks! symphosius

  • Hello ;

    I'll try now and provide a pacth if needed.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


  • Wow - you are fast :-)

    Hello ;

    I confirm the problem. You can either apply the patch below or update to Git Master.



    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().