i-MSCP Bind Template Choice

  • I've been trying to trace through the code to answer this myself - and I have to cry uncle...

    What is triggering the decision to use


    rather than


    I'm going to update 1 (or both templates perhaps - depends on the response :D) to refer to 2 slave NS's that I've set up - but I want to make sure I've caught all the locations that the system will use to throw the NS names in.

    My testing thus far has produced .db files with 3 name servers defined in them - and I want to make sure only the 2 slaves are there.

  • Hello ;

    The /etc/imscp/bind/parts/db_master_e.tpl file has been removed in latest versions. I would recommend you to update. If you have already updated, you can ignore this file because it is not more used.

    This file was used for the panel zone if I remember correctly.


  • The /etc/imscp/bind/parts/db_master_e.tpl file has been removed in latest versions. I would recommend you to update. If you have already updated, you can ignore this file because it is not more used.

    I'm already on 1.1.0-rc4.3 - so this is just left overs on the file system...
