New theme

  • Hi All !

    I try to make an modern theme for IMSCP, but i need some help. At the moment ist os only a dirty hack, but its look good :) I have changed only the simple.tpl and ui.tpl to create an full responsible ui.

    My biggest problem at the moment is to merge the main menu with the submenu to get a "global"-menu for each area (admin/reseller/customer). if anybody can give me an solution, i will finished the first development an make this theme public.

    One the first step i want to cleanup the new layout and finishing the navigation. On second step i want to rewrite the admin ui, then the resseler ui ... and so on.

    I think this could be an great solution for this great project :)

    Here some screenshots of my first try

  • Hello ;

    I've already answered to you in private...

    We are not here to learn you how to customize i-MSCP. If you are able to create a "new theme", you shouldn't have to ask us.

    Anyway, we have already planned to add two themes which are fully responsive. We are sorry, but we have not time to explain you how to code. We're not teachers... ;)


  • Hello Nuxwin !

    Thanks, that you answer me again. I hearing this words since VHCS. I believe it, when it is happend.

    I will try to working on new theme.

  • Hello Nuxwin !

    Thanks, that you answer me again. I hearing this words since VHCS. I believe it, when it is happend.

    I will try to working on new theme.


    Please, stop to say such bullshit... You cannot compare i-MSCP with VHCS. If you had read the code correctly, you could see that most part of code has been rewritten... Anyway, if you are not happy with our works, nobody retains you. You can do your own theme if you want but don't ask us to help you to understand the i-MSCP code. ;) VHCS story is 10 years past... We are in 2013.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • I want to use this software with an responsible UI. Don't missunderstood my perception, i talk only about the UI.

    I know this project and a lot about the engines - but thats not my point and i think you and this project are making a reale good job, but at the moment i have a problem to understand you perception and reaction.


  • The new themes are planned for version 1.2.0. The devs haven't implemented them yet because of more important things than an ui.

  • Maybe we should think about to implement a Template Engine like Twigg. So people who wants a new theme, can create it without asking such things. And maybe we get a large Theme Pool :D

    Only some thoughts........ :)

    Edited once, last by xorg ().

  • Maybe we should think about to implement a Template Engine like Twigg. So people who wants a new theme, can create it without asking such things. And maybe we get a large Theme Pool :D

    Only some thoughts........ :)


    Even with Twigg as template engine, the problem about how to get the navigation object remains same ;)


  • execrable

    Edit: I'm not so ugly... You can get the navigation object like this:

    /** @var $navigation Zend_Navigation */
    $navigation = iMSCP_Registry::get('navigation');

    Of course, you should learn how this object is working... I give you a tip: Since it's a Zend_Navigation object, you should read the Zend_Navigation documentation.…igation.introduction.html

    BTW: Don't search that code part in VHCS.. You'll never find it :P


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • @Ninos: I believe it ... i understand your focus. Thanx for this information :)

    gOOvER: I know that this extra way could be very hard, because any change on the original theme and functionality must be adopt and if the framework would be change or you create a new theme, this theme would be useless :cool:

    Nuxwin: :P - Thx for this information. I have read some functions, but there a lot of them ... :) I have never worked before with this framework - the first time will be hard, but i hope the contact will be very low.

    At the moment i am really happy, that i can change the server option on my smartphone.