Couldn't find table: "_db.sql"

  • Hello everbody,

    I get this e-mail at midnight.

    The i-mscp backup seems to stop working. However, I used a different database name for my i-mscp system database and not "imscp"

    It seems that a script can not properly deal with this change.

  • Hello ;

    What is the result of:

    1. # mysql -u root -p
    2. > use <imscp_db_name>;
    3. > SELECT sqld_name FROM sql_database;


  • I got a similiar problem right after the update to rc4.1 (from rc3):

    Midnight E-Mail since two days:

    In addition, I get error messages mailed by logcheck every full hour telling that a cron process failed with exit status 1. Using debug mode and logs i tackled it down to


    Corresponding imscp-tel-tmp.log entry:

    Sometimes also /var/www/imscp/engine/traffic/imscp-vrl-traff, almost same log messages as seen above.

    Mysql server is up and running, I can access it using the root password used by imscp. My websites and imscp panel is working as well. Despite these messages there is no obvious problem as far as I can see.

    Any idea?

  • Hello

    Thanks for logs. We'll investigate. ;)


  • Hello

    Thanks for logs. We'll investigate. ;)


    I'm unable to reproduce this bug. Anyway, the database is not needed in that script and will be disabled in next release. But still that I'm curious so if you can install teamviewer and give me the IDS, I would be happy to investigate more on your server directly.


  • hanaubo

    I'm unable to reproduce this bug. Anyway, the database is not needed in that script and will be disabled in next release. But still that I'm curious so if you can install teamviewer and give me the IDS, I would be happy to investigate more on your server directly.

    Well, it's not that I won't trust you personally. But I'm sorry, I don't like the idea of granting access to any of my systems to someone else I don't know personally. I would be glad to find a solution but it's not that serious if I don't.

    Thanks for your effort! I'll keep waiting for the next release.

  • Hello;

    Solved in Git Master.
