Hi, currently I've a setup in all my ispcp servers that I'd like to migrate to ispcp. Basically the idea is this:
.- imscp.myserver.com is the name of my server
.- example.com is the name of the customer
imscp.myserver.com:80 -> Redirects to imscp.myserver.com:8443
imscp.myserver.com:443 -> Redirects to imscp.myserver.com:8443
imscp.myserver.com:8443 -> This is tha main control panel
example.com:80 -> It shows the http site
example.com:443 -> If I configured (manually) the domain to have ssl, it will show the website under ssl re-using the same cert as myserver.com (this is for customers that want a certificat but don't want to pay the extra ip)
example.com:8443 -> Redirects to imscp.myserver.com:8443
So the advantages of this setup are basically these:
.- The customers don't have to remember the server name, and it's easier for me to relocate them on a different server
.- The ssl certifcate can be reutilized for hostings that want a cert but don't want to pay the extra costs
The first part I'd need would be to have in imscp.conf a parameter called somethin like this (8443 for my case):
This would allow to use imscp on different port than the standard. After that the changes are mostly on the apache configurations.