Setup is taking a long time apparently doing nothing

  • I'm (again) moving my test servers from ispcp to imscp trunk (as of 10/10/11). At the moment there's a fixed screen that doesn't do anything.
    Doing a "ps awx" I see some errors, but they are not reflected on any log I could find.
    I attached the relevant part of ps awx

    NOTE: When I kill -9 the process with the dialog, the setup just finishes.

    Anyone experiences something like this?


    • error.txt

      (8.64 kB, downloaded 42 times, last: )
    • setup_stopped.png

      (8.84 kB, downloaded 40 times, last: )
  • If is a vm and is squeeze and if Ram is not so <=512 the problem is ispell packages dependencies.
    I`ll take it back^.
    Problem is:


    UPDATE command denied to user "ispcp"@"localhost" for table "domain"

    So not enough rights for mysql user. Take long time to display errors, because are so many (setup try to end as many steps it can, does not exit on first error).

    Edited once, last by oldev01 ().

  • If is a vm and is squeeze and if Ram is not so <=512 the problem is ispell packages dependencies.
    I`ll take it back^.
    Problem is:

    So not enough rights for mysql user. Take long time to display errors, because are so many (setup try to end as many steps it can, does not exit on first error).

    I have tested again the install process, and I can confirm that i-mscp is downgrading the permissions of ispcp database user.
    This is the process I follow:

    • GRANT ALL on *.* to ispcp@localhost;
      GRANT GRANT OPTION ON *.* to ispcp@localhost;
    • perl imscp-autoinstall (permissions still OK)
    • perl imscp-migrate-from-ispcp (permissions still OK)
    • ./imscp-setup (here it forces lower permissions to ispcp@localhost)
    • Permissions are
      | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'ispcp'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*...' |
      | GRANT SELECT ON `ispcp`.* TO 'ispcp'@'localhost'
    • Setting them as they should and running again the imscp-setup fixes the install

    So it has to be something wrong in imscp-setup.

    I'll be on IRC for any questions.

    Edited once, last by aseques ().

  • do you use same user for panel ftp server pma or dovecot? Is only case when rights are altered. Hope i'll stil find you later on irc

  • do you use same user for panel ftp server pma or dovecot? Is only case when rights are altered. Hope i'll stil find you later on irc

    I'm using iscp_dovecot for the dovecot setup which is a special capped user.
    I'll be on the irc for the next hours, so no problem

  • Setup does not modify rights except for users used by pma, proftpd and dovecot. Can please post error logs (or send me that log)?

  • Setup does not modify rights except for users used by pma, proftpd and dovecot. Can please post error logs (or send me that log)?

    I think that I finally found the error. It's not really an error of the installer but more a lack in the descriptions.
    On the screenshoot "asking_username.png" the caption says "Please enter database user name (default dovecot_user)".
    Here I thought that the system was asking for the admin password, wich afterward was converted into a dovecot only account.
    A caption like "Please enter database user name for the restricted dovecot user (default: dovecot_user)"

    Shall I open a bug for this?

  • I think that I finally found the error. It's not really an error of the installer but more a lack in the descriptions.
    On the screenshoot "asking_username.png" the caption says "Please enter database user name (default dovecot_user)".
    Here I thought that the system was asking for the admin password, wich afterward was converted into a dovecot only account.
    A caption like "Please enter database user name for the restricted dovecot user (default: dovecot_user)"

    Shall I open a bug for this?

    Yes. I ll add a check to dissalow main user to be used as restricted user

  • Done that. Hope now is more clear. Thank you for patience and for your help