Two little questions

  • Hi folks, today I've upgraded my panel to the latest git master without any trouble, and everything is OK, congratulations for this excellent software, but I have two little questions.

    1.- How can I reach the admin panel now?, because before the upgrade I entered with, but now it is not possible. It shows " Error 404!
    /imscp - File Not Found!" (this alias does not exists)

    2.- How can I create an alias now?, I ask this because my server has the PhpPgAdmin and the Owncloud installed, and before the upgrade I could enter with and , but now it is not possible. But I can access directly and without problem with and it works OK, the same for the owncloud but I need the alias for my daily work.

    Any help is apreciated :blush:

    Server : virtual server
    OS : Squeezy
    Mod: FCGI - Courier
    fail2ban - Postgres - PhpPgadmin



  • Hello ;

    1. The imscp alias has been removed. In near future, the tools aliases (pma, ftp, webmail) will also be removed to not pollute the customer Web environment. A customer should be able to name its directories as he want without having to think about aliases provided by -MSCP.

    2. You can access the control panel through the domain name you entered during installation. See the /etc/imscp/imscp.conf to retrieve it.

    3. The Web root directories are now protected using the immutable flag (extended attributes). When this protection is enabled only the i-MSCP backend is able to write a root of Web folders. You can deactivate the Web folders protection via the control panel but it's not recommended.…-already-incurrent-master

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hi, thanks for your replay, I'd like to let you know that I've tested the web root directories protected by immutable flag and it works fine

    In order to solve the Alias for PGA and Owncloud, I did it with a fast an dirty trick creating a .htacces inside the root directory to redirect the url to, besides, I've creaed this .htaccess inside the skeleton of the domain and protected it by immutable flag and it works fine.

    I dont know if this is the correct way but it works for me.

    Thanks again and I understand now that I have to learn more about how to work the new version of the panel, it's tools and posibilities

    Congratulations Nuxwin, this is a great work and I hope you can conclude it succesfuly

    Saludos cordiales
