How to mount a Video Web Stream On line with apache

  • Hello, I would like to host an online video website, and would like to activate the apache module for video stream MP4, I'm following the following tutorial ..…4-video-webserver-solved/

    but does not work, please help


    Note; I use Debian 6 and I have version 1.1.0-I-MSCP rc2.3 ,also I have 2GB of RAM and 2 Cores

  • First: What did you exactly?

    I would suggest to follow this introduction:…Streaming-Apache-Version2

    And as small hint (without testing on my side):
    use this instead of httpd.conf:
    vi /etc/apache2/mods-available/mp4.load

    1. LoadModule h264_streaming_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

    vi /etc/apache2/mods-available/mp4.conf

    1. AddHandler h264-streaming.extensions .mp4

    a2enmod mp4

    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

    Edited once, last by fluser ().

  • First: What did you exactly?...............

    Thank you very much for your answer, I want to do is a video site, YouTube style, using the jwplayer 6, this has the ability to use the stream of apache, and it would be great to work to perfection.

    I will follow your instructions

    Thank you, I'll tell you later ..