DNS timestamp error on upgrade

  • Hey guys,

    When trying to upgrade a server from an earlier master after 1.0.3 to 1.1.0-rc2.3, I get the following errors:

    Servers::named::bind::incTimeStamp: Unable to find DNS timestamp entry for
    Servers::named::bind::addDmnDb: Unable to update timestamp for
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!

    This server had an IP change, and when I ran the --reconfigure ips it failed on things because I think the script was probably broken in that master, so I fixed everything, but now get this error when trying to upgrade to rc2.3. Any ideas on what I should fix or how to get around it?

    I have restored (cp -p and rsync -ravt) /etc/imscp/bind/backup files and tried all sorts of things. Any ideas?

    Edited once, last by anarking ().

  • Teamviewer?


  • okay I noticed some changes in the way a new v 1.1.0-rc2.3 system had a /var/cache/bind/domain.com.db file, a good amount of changes actually, no more "IN" or "3H" for times, etc. I like the new format a lot, but I needed to change the original file to the new format, and then setup proceeded, but DNS is still not working, not sure what's wrong now...
    hey Nux sure, sorry didn't notice until now... I'll pm you the TV details...
    and Nuxwin is awesome. old "imscp-setup --reconfigure ips" from an old master had screwed up db a little bit, few fixes with the new IP getting ID 2 instead of 1, etc. just something to watch out for, if anyone is running a pre-1.1.0-rc2 master.

    Edited once, last by anarking ().