Problem updating emails accounts

  • Today when any user changed a password on a email account the status of the account stayed freeze on "Modification on progress" but never change and save the change. Is strange because this started today, before today we don't received any complaint.

    The version on this server is "Git Master - Build 20130107 - Code name : Eagle"

    I was cheking DB and process on the server but everything look good.

    Any idea what happend ? I don't know what more I can check.

    Edited once, last by @maceto ().

  • Hello ;

    Master from when exactly? Do you have tried to update to last master? What is your distribution, codename?

    Can new in order:

    • Enable debug mode in the imscp.conf
    • Delete any log file already present in the /var/log/imscp directory
    • Go into the debugger page (admin level)
    • Change status if needed and/or process daemon request
    • Post the resulting logs (from /var/log/imscp) here

    Note: Pay attention to hide any password from log file you are providing.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Last week this server was attacked, DDos, and I don't know why the mngr deamon was down.

    Last night, I had to reboot the server and this deamon start up, and fix the emails accounts.

    Thank you for your help.

  • That's what the Services Status page is good for :)

    Also, if it is up and something is stuck, there is also the WebTools -> Debugger which could show Execute Requests that may be stuck, and you can re-initiate there by just clicking it. Sometimes clears it up for me if something is stuck there for whatever reason.