Joomla 1.6.6

  • Hello,

    I´ve made an Joomla 1.6.6 Package for the Appinstaller butt ....

    There are some Problems with the Batabase, it doesn´t import the Dump i made with pma (create database was deleted from the dump).

    I have made it exactly like the 1.5 Package was.

    Maybe someone can look at this and tell me my mistakes?



  • I take a look on the package

    Look inside your dump...
    You "must" remove every prefix "jos_" from the tablename.
    Because the installer will rename the prefix later.

    And there is a typo inside the file "sql_tables"
    You wrote "banner_client" but the tablename is "banner_clients"!!!

    Edited once, last by TheCry ().

  • Soo

    Thank you TheCry, this helped me alot :)

    I´ve updated the package ant tested it now it should work! My Test installation:

    I am going to make some other packages, if you want i can post the download links in this Thread.


    Edited once, last by Haze ().

  • Would be great. We can look at your packages and if everything will be ok we will upload to our repo.