IP problem to reach the panel

  • Hi, I have a problem to reach the panel, I´ve rented a VPS with Xen tecnology, and I have the following ip

    Public IP aa.61.83.88
    Netmask IP pública
    Network IP pública aa.61.83.0
    Broadcast IP pública aa.61.83.255
    Gateway IP pública aa.61.83.1
    IP Servidor de Nombres a.8.8.8

    The IP that I've used to install teh panel was aa.61.83.88

    The panel is installed without problem but the server says The requested URL / was not found on this server.
    I thinks this is an Ip problem but, I don't know what the correct IP is

    OS Squeeze
    Panel imscp-1.1.0-rc1.4

    Any help is apreciated

    Sorry, the IP was correct but it was in this format
    and it needs to be in aa.bb.cc.dd format


    Edited once, last by victor531 ().