I'm trying to have a www dNS record that does not have th same IP as the domain itself.
I tried to get the listener listed here : https://github.com/i-MSCP/imsc…ed_override_default_rr.pl
And did a
# /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -dv
then, add a custom DNS entry in the domain (in fact a domain alias) but, no luck, bind won't ork qith the file, as there's 2 "www" records.
I also tried to modify the part file (/etc/imscp/bind/parts/db.tpl) to remove the www record, it worked, but if i modify an already existent domain, and there's no "www" custom DNS entry, it won't work anymore...
As a solution, I think that modifying the "part file", and add a custom "www" DNS entry by default when creating or updating the domain would be sufficient.
But I can't manage to find the right file to update.
Any help would be appreciated.
Many many thanks