Hello Forum,
we have moved one server to a new datacenter and changed ip.
Since the move the Old ip is not deleted.
status in the table is todelete.
When i start the reuqest manager output is this:
ID1 is the old ip.
How can i fix this ?
THX and best wishes
- root@cp:/home/eegadmin# perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr -dv
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Bootstrapper::boot: Booting backend....
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Bootstrapper::lock: Acquire exclusive lock on /tmp/imscp.lock
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Config::_loadConfig: Tying /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file in readonly mode
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::EventManager::_init: Loading /etc/imscp/listeners.d/10_php_confoptions_override.pl listener file
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::_process: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks...
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::_process: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: CronJobs (ID 5)
- [DEBUG] Modules::Plugin::_executePluginAction: Executing run( ) action on Plugin::CronJobs
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::_process: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: PhpSwitcher (ID 3)
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Config::_loadConfig: Tying /etc/imscp/apache/apache.data file in readonly mode
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Config::_loadConfig: Tying /etc/imscp/php/php.data file in readonly mode
- [DEBUG] Modules::Plugin::_executePluginAction: Executing run( ) action on Plugin::PhpSwitcher
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::_process: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: LetsEncrypt (ID 4)
- [DEBUG] Modules::Plugin::_executePluginAction: Executing run( ) action on Plugin::LetsEncrypt
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Execute::execute: initctl version 2>/dev/null | grep -q upstart
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Service::_detectInit: Upstart init system has been detected
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /etc/init.d/apache2 status
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Provider::Service::Sysvinit::_exec: * apache2 is running
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::_process: Processing Modules::ServerIP tasks...
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::_process: Processing Modules::ServerIP tasks for: XXX.XXX.XXX.228 (ID 1)
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Bootstrapper::unlock: Releasing exclusive lock on /tmp/imscp.lock
- [WARN] (eval): Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/Modules/ServerIP.pm line 79.
- [FATAL] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::_process: Modules::ServerIP::process: Unknown action requested for server IP with ID 1 at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/Modules/ServerIP.pm line 89.
- root@cp:/home/eegadmin#