First of all, thank you for taking the time to read. I am experiencing some problems wanting to add a subdomain to a domain, the panel is left with the legend "Creation in progress ...", but it does not come from there, from the console and the database I see the following:
Any help I will be very grateful
- root ⋯ www imscp engine ./imscp-rqst-mngr -vv 255
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Bootstrapper::boot: Booting backend....
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::LockFile::acquire: Acquiring exclusive lock on /var/lock/imscp.lock
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::EventManager::_init: Loading /etc/imscp/listeners.d/ listener file
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks...
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: Postgrey (ID 2)
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: Mailgraph (ID 1)
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: PolicydSPF (ID 5)
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: ClamAV (ID 6)
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: Postscreen (ID 11)
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: LetsEncrypt (ID 14)
- [DEBUG] Modules::Plugin::_executePluginAction: Executing run( ) action on Plugin::LetsEncrypt
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /bin/systemctl is-active apache2.service
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Provider::Service::Abstract::_exec: active
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: OpenDKIM (ID 17)
- [DEBUG] Modules::Plugin::_executePluginAction: Executing run( ) action on Plugin::OpenDKIM
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /bin/systemctl reload-or-restart opendkim.service
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: PhpSwitcher (ID 18)
- [DEBUG] Modules::Plugin::_executePluginAction: Executing run( ) action on Plugin::PhpSwitcher
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: Monitorix (ID 19)
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::ServerIP tasks...
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::ServerIP
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::SSLcertificate tasks...
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::SSLcertificate
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::User tasks...
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::User
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Domain tasks...
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Domain
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Subdomain tasks...
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Subdomain tasks for: (ID 35)
- [DEBUG] iMSCP::LockFile::release: Releasing exclusive lock on /var/lock/imscp.lock
- [FATAL] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::_processModuleDbTasks: Modules::Subdomain::_loadData: Data not found for subdomain (ID 35) at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/Modules/ line 156, <$fh> line 184.
- ...propagated at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 496, <$fh> line 184.
- MariaDB [imscp]> select * from subdomain;
- +--------------+-----------+----------------+-----------------+-------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------+
- | subdomain_id | domain_id | subdomain_name | subdomain_mount | subdomain_document_root | subdomain_url_forward | subdomain_type_forward | subdomain_host_forward | subdomain_status |
- +--------------+-----------+----------------+-----------------+-------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------+
- | 1 | 9 | img1 | /img1 | /htdocs | no | NULL | Off | ok |
- | 2 | 9 | img2 | /img2 | /htdocs | no | NULL | Off | ok |
- | 3 | 9 | img3 | /img3 | /htdocs | no | NULL | Off | ok |
- | 24 | 23 | dashboard | /dashboard | /htdocs | no | NULL | Off | ok |
- | 25 | 23 | corrientes | /corrientes | /htdocs | no | NULL | Off | ok |
- | 26 | 23 | viajar | /viajar | /htdocs | no | NULL | Off | ok |
- | 27 | 23 | catamarca | /catamarca | /htdocs | no | NULL | Off | ok |
- | 35 | 21 | pepito | /pepito | /htdocs | no | NULL | Off | toadd |
- +--------------+-----------+----------------+-----------------+-------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------+
- MariaDB [imscp]> select * from domain where domain_id=21\G
- *************************** 11. row ***************************
- domain_id: 21
- domain_name:
- domain_admin_id: 26
- domain_created: 1512310009
- domain_expires: 0
- domain_last_modified: 0
- domain_mailacc_limit: 0
- domain_ftpacc_limit: 0
- domain_traffic_limit: 0
- domain_sqld_limit: 0
- domain_sqlu_limit: 0
- domain_status: ok
- domain_alias_limit: 0
- domain_subd_limit: 0
- domain_ip_id: 4
- domain_disk_limit: 0
- domain_disk_usage: 318692574
- domain_disk_file: 245948416
- domain_disk_mail: 32284672
- domain_disk_sql: 40459486
- domain_php: yes
- domain_cgi: yes
- allowbackup: dmn|sql|mail
- domain_dns: yes
- domain_software_allowed: yes
- phpini_perm_system: yes
- phpini_perm_allow_url_fopen: yes
- phpini_perm_display_errors: yes
- phpini_perm_disable_functions: yes
- phpini_perm_mail_function: yes
- domain_external_mail: yes
- external_mail: off
- web_folder_protection: yes
- mail_quota: 0
- document_root: /htdocs
- url_forward: no
- type_forward: NULL
- host_forward: Off