Panel and google pagespeed apache mod

  • Hi there!

    I have seen a little "problem" using i-mscp with pagespeed apache mod and panelredirect.
    The pagespeed is minifying some js in a wrong way (eg lets encrypt page) and so the site is not working a 100%.

    As "ModPagespeed off" does not work on a per domain basis, I have to check what we can do in this case.

    Work-around 1: Simply access the i-MSCP portal page with the direct nginx url:port (8443 or 8080)

    Work-around 2: Disable ModPagespeed in you apache2.conf and enable it using .htaccess:

    1. <IfModule pagespeed_module>
    2. ModPagespeed on
    3. </IfModule>

    i-mscp 1.5.3
    debian 8 and 9

    apache 2.4

    Edited once, last by ciscllc ().