LetsEncrypt renewal period

  • Hi,

    in this thread (Let's encrypt autorenew) i read, that certificates "should be renewed 1 month before their expire date", which makes total sense.

    However, in the Web-UI it shows that automatic renewal is scheduled 10 days before expiration of the certificates. This results in me getting certificate expiration notice emails from letsencrypt. Is this intended or an error? It would make sense to renew at lease 21 days before expiration, to prevent these emails.

    Debian 9.5

    i-MSCP 1.5.3 (Build: 20180516)

    LetsEncrypt Plugin 3.4.2 (Build 2018060600)

    Best regards,



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  • FloRet88

    Added the Label patched
  • FloRet88

    Closed the thread.