DKIM error

  • Just downloaded the latest version from the website. Still the same.

  • Maybe you can regenerate the keys as reseller.

    I tried that already. No difference.


    Are there keys in /etc/opendkim?

    Yes there are keys for each domain and a txt file.

  • Then copy the DNS entries inside the text files to your external DNS provider.

    I did that.

    Should i include the " at the beginning and end?

    So now the DKIM entry looks like: "v=........."

  • Quote IN TXT ( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; s=email; "


    "ezNU/IpA4zqGHsOcQhrl93rTpLPPERjdfheru(47jdkj47Kz36xVd8lqJv+mZnJBrUX/pgIBxH3vklPKuB0oOEYnojDSJBSe2jASYP+24DzRmM6wqrPMbYPxmS12Y0vXtF0zIJYHhQIDAQAB" ) ; ----- DKIM key mail for

    This is what the TXT looks like.

    So now i do create a new DNS entry type TXT for with this entry:


    "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; s=email; "



    This would include the quotes.

    Your suggestion is to delete all " quotes?