Is it possible to change apache2 vhost with websocket, wihout i-mscp overriding it?

  • Hi community,

    We recently installed rocketchat and got that functional behind a apache2 proxy (in i-mscp), secured with an lets encrypt ssl cert from the lets encrypt plugin. But Rocketchat needs additional entries in the vhost files, to allow websocket connections.

    1. ProxyPass /websocket ws://
    2. ProxyPassMatch ^/sockjs/(.*)/websocket ws://$1/websocket

    Is it possible to add this additional lines to the affected vhosts, so they're update safe and safe for ssl cert updates? We know that i-mscp is regenerarting the vhost files in such cases, so any changes would be deleted.

    Does anyone has a update-safe solution? :)

    Kind regards


  • freedom

    For each i-MSCP vhost, there is a /etc/imscp/<domain.tld>.conf file in which you can add your own configuration. This file is created once and won't be overridden by i-MSCP. It is removed only if you remove the related domain through the control panel.


  • Nuxwin

    Added the Label question (answered)