Apache issue-Cant display images on server

  • I have a number of Wordpress sites on my server. It seems that I am unable to see images hosted on one of them-droidzone.in. In fact I cant even display any .png or .jpg file that's in htdocs, on droidzone.in. However I can display images on drjoel.in which is another domain alias of the same user.

    Initially I thought it was a .htaccess issue, and tried deleting the .htaccess files I found. However that didnt seem to resolve the issue on the site.

    Apparently there's a 403 issue whenever I view images from the site droidzone.in. I'm quite unfamiliar with the innards of apache, and am not sure which files to look at. I'd appreciate a little guidance in finding the issue.
    Never mind I solved it.

    It seems that images were displaying with full path. However, they were not showing the full path to the browser. So it meant that all files in the subdomains on multisite were not receiving the full path. After a lot of nerve racking, I traced the issue to wp-includes on wordpress which is responsible for creating full path to images on subdomains.

    It was still due to a .htaccess issue. I just wasnt looking at the right place. I expected .htaccess issues at a level of wp-content or higher. It was actually a .htaccess in wp-includes that had the following directive:

    1. <Files *.php>
    2. deny from all
    3. </Files>

    So it would never have worked. :)

    Thread marked as solved.

    Edited once, last by dzchimp ().