LetsEncrypt Plugin acme-challenge 404

  • Hello everybody,

    I'm having trouble generating LetsEncrypt certificates in a Proxmox LXC container:

    Proxmox 5.1-36
    LXC container: Ubuntu 16.04
    i-MSCP: 1.5.1
    LetsEncrypt Plugin 3.3.0

    Certificate for the admin panel was generated successfully.

    For the following two pages I get the error message:

    1. The /.well-known/acme-challenge/ URL path is not reachable for the test01.domain.de domain. This can be either due to a DNS problem, or because you have an .htaccess file that rewrites the URL path to an unexpected location. In case of a rewrite rule, be sure to exclude the /.well-known/acme-challenge/ URL path by adding a rewrite condition such as RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known/acme-challenge/

    - no content yet, no .htaccess
    - Testfile
    - test1.domain.de/.well-known/test.txt -> OK
    - test1.domain.de/.well-known/acme-challenge/test.txt -> Error 404

    - Nextcloud installation with .htaccess
    - Entry exists: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*/\.well-known/acme-challenge/.*)

    Can someone give me a hint, I just can not get on.

    Greetings Robert

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  • @Polarwelt

    You must make sure that the site is reachable locally (from your server).


  • Hello Nuxwin,
    the tip was great. In the LetsEncrypt plugin under alternative name the domain was additionally with www deposited. Because of this, the build was unsuccessful.Thanks again.
    Greeting Polarwelt

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    gequotetes HTML beschafft und in Verkehr bringt, wird mit PHP nicht unter zwei Jahren bestraft.