Edit PHP INI after account is created

  • When I create an user account, I can edit the php.ini parameters. However I am unable to find the same after I have created the account. Say I want to increase your max upload limit. I cannot do that. So this would be very helpful.

  • When I create an user account, I can edit the php.ini parameters. However I am unable to find the same after I have created the account. Say I want to increase your max upload limit. I cannot do that. So this would be very helpful.

    Only the reseller of customer can do that. PHP editor make use of cascading permissions:

    • The administrator give permissions to resellers and the resellers give permissions to their customers.
    • The resellers cannot raise a customer limit above their own limit, as set by the administrator.
    • Customers can only change PHP settings for which they are allowed by their reseller. However, limits such as memory, upload and so on are only editable by the administrator and resellers (if they are permitten by administrator).


  • Here is the scenario.
    I am a reseller and I am giving you an account. On the account creating field I can edit PHP settings for you:

    But I cannot change these numbers once the account has been created. That was my question, can I change these after I have created the account?

    Thanks for responding by the way.

  • But I cannot change these numbers once the account has been created. That was my question, can I change these after I have created the account?

    You can. As reseller, edit the domain.


  • Got this option. Admin has to reset the limit to the reseller then the reseller can set the limit. Got it bro. Thanks.