No system backups since upgrade to i-MSCP 1.4.4

  • Hello,

    I have upgraded from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 last friday. Since then no system backups are created even in config BACKUP_IMSCP = yes is set.
    The log imscp-backup-imscp-mngr.log says

    1. Global symbol "$dbName" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $dbName"?) at /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-imscp line 135.
    2. Execution of /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-imscp aborted due to compilation errors.

    The customer backups work as expected.
    Can anybody confirm this?

    Regards Jörg

    (Ubuntu 16.04, i-MSCP 1.5.1, php-Fpm, Plugins: ClamAV, CronJobs, InstantSSH, LetsEncrypt, Mailgraph, Monitorix, OpenDKIM, PhpSwitcher, PolicydSPF, Postscreen, RecaptchaPMA, RoundcubePlugins, ServerDefaultPage, SpamAssassin, YubiKeyAuth)

  • @UncleJ

    Confirmed. Will be fixed in version 1.4.5 which will be released this evening.

    1. root@devuan:/usr/local/src/imscp# perl /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-imscp -v
    2. Global symbol "$dbName" requires explicit package name at /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-imscp line 135.
    3. Execution of /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-imscp aborted due to compilation errors.


  • A fix has been added in our development branch. See…8391c78447dbde373ae3c060c
    This fix will be part of next release.

    Thank you for your report.
    Thread closed.
