ServerDefaultPage on DualStack

  • Hello,

    I set up my server to run dual stack for all services. Unfortunately the plugin "ServerDefaultPage" just uses assigned IP addresses not all registered IPs. From my point of view it would be good to use all regsitered IP addresses.
    What is your opinion on this? Perhaps in the next release the SQL query could be changed. If not possible, is there any way to influence the plugin by a listener file?
    Thanks in advance for any feedback

    Regards Jörg

    (Ubuntu 16.04, i-MSCP 1.5.1, php-Fpm, Plugins: ClamAV, CronJobs, InstantSSH, LetsEncrypt, Mailgraph, Monitorix, OpenDKIM, PhpSwitcher, PolicydSPF, Postscreen, RecaptchaPMA, RoundcubePlugins, ServerDefaultPage, SpamAssassin, YubiKeyAuth)

  • @UncleJ

    If I understand well, you would want see all registered IP from the server_ips table be added into the DefaultServerPage vhost, even if not yet assigned to customers, right?


  • @Nuxwin,

    yes that was the intension - but just in case there are no reasons not to do this?

    Regards Jörg

    (Ubuntu 16.04, i-MSCP 1.5.1, php-Fpm, Plugins: ClamAV, CronJobs, InstantSSH, LetsEncrypt, Mailgraph, Monitorix, OpenDKIM, PhpSwitcher, PolicydSPF, Postscreen, RecaptchaPMA, RoundcubePlugins, ServerDefaultPage, SpamAssassin, YubiKeyAuth)

  • @UncleJ

    Well, there is no specific reason. In the context of DefaultServerPage plugin, that shouldn't cause any issue. So, in next version, we'll add all registered IPs instead of only those which are assigned to customers.


  • @Nuxwin,

    sounds great - thank you.

    Regards Jörg

    (Ubuntu 16.04, i-MSCP 1.5.1, php-Fpm, Plugins: ClamAV, CronJobs, InstantSSH, LetsEncrypt, Mailgraph, Monitorix, OpenDKIM, PhpSwitcher, PolicydSPF, Postscreen, RecaptchaPMA, RoundcubePlugins, ServerDefaultPage, SpamAssassin, YubiKeyAuth)