Directory Listing

  • Good Morning all,

    i have installed an fresh i-mscp 1.4.3 install on an new and clean debian 8.7.

    Right now i wanted to start migrating our sites. Befor that, i discovered that i can access folders and get an directory listing.

    For example: The default page that is created by default for new domains has an image folder which contains all pictures of that default page. If i enter http://domain.tld/images/ i get an directory listing.

    Some of our sites have an .htaccess file which denies that directory listing. I'm just afraid about our sites that don't have that .htaccess - Directory Listing would be enabled then.

    Is it possible to disable the Directory Listing?

    Thanks a lot in advance for an answer!


  • @Feldinos

    This bug has been already reported to us privately. It will be addressed in next release.



  • A fix has been added in our development branch. See…5b1bbbb5f5502582880bb385b
    This fix will be part of next release.

    Thank you for your report.
    Thread closed.
